Various Affiliate Opportunites

Over this Christmas weekend, I spent some free time looking into legit affiliate opportunities.

In case you are not sure what an affiliate program or affiliate marketing is, it is a marketing source where someone can advertise a company's products or services and get paid. That is a general, basic explanation. If you have a website or a blog, you can sign up as an affiliate with a company. Once signed up, the company will provide you with a link (your personal id # attached) that you can post on your website. Every time someone clicks the link and/or make a purchase, YOU, the affiliate get a commission. Like I said earlier, that's just a basic description. Which ever company you choose to sign with, please read their information of the requirements and what they will provide (if they do) or pay affiliates.

There are popular companies that have affiliate programs, such as:

Just to name a few. With these companies, scroll to the bottom of their webpage and select 'Affiliate' to begin the process. However, with Best Buy, at the bottom of their webpage,  you would select 'Partnership' to begin the process. Just remember, if it does not have an 'Affiliate'' link at the bottom of the page, check for a 'Partnership' link.

There are other companies, that are not so popular, that offer a affiliate programs as well, along with a list of other incentives, such as:
SFI offer up to 6 ways to earn income (Check their site for their list). SFI is the parent company of an online store, With TripleClicks, you have an option to sell the store's items, your own personal items, or you can refer a company or another person to sell their items on TripleClicks. Either way, you will make a commission. Once you join SFI, you are automatically a member of TripleClicks.

You could also look into, and These companies provide many products and services that you can promote on your website and/or blogs to receive a commission on. 

There are many affiliate programs out there. Many charge a fee to promote their services or products. I do recommend you do your research before signing on with any company. The companies listed above are free to join. The main cost you can expect is to purchase your domain and hosting. You can get a free blog site but be careful and read if you can post adds, links or widgets. Some blogs will charge a fee to post anything but your blog post. 

No matter which company you choose to join, and yes you can join more than one, becoming an affiliate is a great way to earn extra income or start a business.

Good luck and comment if you chose to join one these companies and become an affiliate. I look forward to hearing from you soon! 😃



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