New Year, New Saving

Hi everyone,

Christmas has just barely gone by and I have friends already talking of how much money they have spent and now have to pay off credit cards, loans, etc. Every year, we make New Year resolutions and saving is usually always on the list of things we are going to do. Sadly, most of us do not hold true to our New Year resolution. Some barely make it to February or March. But every year we know Christmas is coming. Every year we know we want to go on a special trip. And every year, in most cases, we don't have enough or quite enough saved. Or if we have enough, we are short on spending money or we have to to hustle when the trip is over or when Christmas is over to make up for what we've spent.

Here's what's been a life saver for me. It a savings program called Digit ( No it's not a scam. It is legit AND it's backed by the FDIC. 

I wish I would have known about Digit sooner. In my case, the year was almost over when I found out about it. However, for the little time that I have it, it has been a great help. I haven't worked since December. I was admitted in the hospital on December 6. Digit saved enough for me to pay a few bills that I wouldn't have been able to pay. Why? Because Digit has been saving my money for me! 

Digit learn your spending pattern and save a little here and a little there. Sometimes, it's a few cents, sometimes, it's a few dollars. It depends on what you have in your account at that time. Yes, it has to be connected to your bank account. But once again, it is backed by the FDIC and if there is a problem, their customer service is awesome. If Digit saving causes your account to go into a negative balance, your money is refunded AND they pay your NSF fee. If you ever have to pause saving, no problem...easily done. If you want to decrease how much digit can save, no problem. If you want to increase how much Digit saves, no problem.

It's a cost you nothing to sign up and like I said, I wish I would have found it sooner. Want to check it out? They even have a video explaining how Digit works ( I'm starting 2017 with Digit and I highly recommend, you do too. If you choose to, after it saves a few 💲💲, comment and let me know how it's working for you. 


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