The Beginning

My name is Jamika. I love my 4 children with every being in me. My two oldest children are adults who serve in the armed forces and I have two little ones at home. Well, there are not so little but they are not teenagers yet, so I’m holding my breath because they are nothing like their big brother and sister.

Honestly, there is no one reason why I’m here. On my blog, you may read about some of everything. You may read about my children and their active lives. You may read about any details of any moments of travel, which I love to do although I don’t go as much as I would like to but I’m working on it. You may read about little things or big things in my life. Over time, I may not write about everything, as I said,  but until I get the fundamentals of blogging, my life story (not all the details) may be publicized. I’ve read many blogs over the years and thought this is something I would try my hand at. Let’s see how this goes!

Meet my family....from left to right.....Devon, Tyrik, me, Jaden and Jalia.


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