
Showing posts from 2016

New Year, New Saving

Hi everyone, Christmas has just barely gone by and I have friends already talking of how much money they have spent and now have to pay off credit cards, loans, etc. Every year, we make New Year resolutions and saving is usually always on the list of things we are going to do. Sadly, most of us do not hold true to our New Year resolution. Some barely make it to February or March. But every year we know Christmas is coming. Every year we know we want to go on a special trip. And every year, in most cases, we don't have enough or quite enough saved. Or if we have enough, we are short on spending money or we have to to hustle when the trip is over or when Christmas is over to make up for what we've spent. Here's what's been a life saver for me. It a savings program called Digit ( ). No it's not a scam. It is legit AND it's backed by the FDIC.  I wish I would have known about Digit sooner. In my case, the year was almost over

Various Affiliate Opportunites

Over this Christmas weekend, I spent some free time looking into legit affiliate opportunities. In case you are not sure what an affiliate program or affiliate marketing is, it is a marketing source where someone can advertise a company's products or services and get paid. That is a general, basic explanation. If you have a website or a blog, you can sign up as an affiliate with a company. Once signed up, the company will provide you with a link (your personal id # attached) that you can post on your website. Every time someone clicks the link and/or make a purchase, YOU, the affiliate get a commission. Like I said earlier, that's just a basic description. Which ever company you choose to sign with, please read their information of the requirements and what they will provide (if they do) or pay affiliates. There are popular companies that have affiliate programs, such as: Just to name a few. With these c

How to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset for Success

How to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset for Success Click the link above to read this short list of 3 important things every entrepreneur should know for success.

Grow a Second Income

For a while, I've been searching for ways to to earn extra income online. I don't know how, but I stumbled upon a company that is easy to join and offer multiple ways to earn extra income. Of course, I joined because it cost nothing to join and the process is easy. You can use this program as a some-time, part-time or a full-time source of income. In my case, it's part-time because I recently started. If you are a beginner, I definitely recommend this because the training and process is easy for newbies. If you are intermediate or advance, you will go through this with a breeze and make serious money in no time. Also, once you become an affiliate for SFI, you automatically become a member of TripleClicks, an online store selling all kinds of items. If you have personal items you'd like to sell online,you can make sales. If you do not have any items to sell, you can sell some of TripleClicks items and earn an income. SFI offers 6 ways to make money: Direct Commi

Online Business

Have you ever seen the post, pictures and videos of people claiming to make money 💲💰 working at home online? I've seen many post that got me curious. I decided I'd give working online a try. Through my researching, I've come across companies that are pure scams, cookie cutter, and the list goes on. Sure, I don't want to be scammed, I don't want cookie cutter. I want something that is legit and have a proven system. In my research, I've been learned about about online marketing, becoming an affiliate, reseller licensing and so on. The more, I read the more I realize, there is a chance to actually make this work for me.  The only things is.....where do I start? For right now I selected a company called Digital Altitude . This company has a 14-day trial period that is advertised for just $1👍. So I decided I'll take this chance for $1. Of course, after the 14-days there is a monthly fee. The price for the fee depends on what level you choose. I st

How to Turn Your Online Business Dream Into Reality

How to Turn Your Online Business Dream Into Reality

The Beginning

My name is Jamika. I love my 4 children with every being in me. My two oldest children are adults who serve in the armed forces and I have two little ones at home. Well, there are not so little but they are not teenagers yet, so I’m holding my breath because they are nothing like their big brother and sister. Honestly, there is no one reason why I’m here. On my blog, you may read about some of everything. You may read about my children and their active lives. You may read about any details of any moments of travel, which I love to do although I don’t go as much as I would like to but I’m working on it. You may read about little things or big things in my life. Over time, I may not write about everything, as I said,  but until I get the fundamentals of blogging, my life story (not all the details) may be publicized. I’ve read many blogs over the years and thought this is something I would try my hand at. Let’s see how this goes! Meet my family....from left to right.....Devon, Tyrik,