Listen and Obey the Signs of Your Temple!

It's been a while since my last post. What happened? Life!!!

In life, we keep moving and ignore the signs our bodies give us that we need to slow down and take care of what we call our temple. Well, because I did't listen and take heed, this temple spent a few days in ICU at my local hospital and 2 months out of work. What??? Two months of no work! Not good for a single parent.

What I thought was just a cold turned chest congestion, turned out to be a terrible asthma attack, pneumonia in the left lung, and respiratory failure. My chest felt extremely congested, which can cause an asthmatic to have breathing problems. Mind you, I've been dealing with this congestion off and on for about 4 months straight. It had gotten so bad that I had to focus just to talk because every few words I would say would literally take my breath away. I would say a few words then take break before speaking more. During the four months of my dealing with this sickness my way, I did go to an immediate care center, which did prescribe antibiotics, only on one occasion but steroids both times (I went twice during the four month). By the time the 5th month rolled around, I couldn't stand it anymore. My regular medicines wasn't working so great alone and I realized about 2 weeks after the antibiotics and steroids, I was feeling bad again. I took 3 different kinds of Mucinex and Robitussin, to no avail. I finally drove myself to the ER and it was a true struggle just to drive and walk in to check myself in. My symptoms: chest pains (it hurt to breath), shortness of breath, a headache that I can't describe, dizziness (I could barely walk straight). Anyone could hear me wheezing a mile away. Trying to explain to the person at the counter my reason for being there was just as painful as breathing, driving and walking.

Not long after I was in a room, I had 2 RN nurses to enter the room. Then about 5 minutes later, another nurse. Then, I knew it was bad. According to the nurses, my oxygen dropped significantly and they was amazed that I drove there, walked in and was still living. Yes, for me, that was bad! Three breathing treatments later and massive CPAP machine, I was informed that I was being admitted and I would be in the ICU. I'm not one to cry easy but at that time, tears rolled down my cheeks. Other than having children, I've never been in a hospital and I rarely got more than a bad cold. This wasn't the asthma I was used to.

As a mom, all I could think about was my children. The list of all that I had to do ran through my head and made the headaches worse. I say all this to say, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!

Of course, we have a list of things to do on a daily basis but if your body doesn't agree with you and giving you signs of stress, by all means LISTEN! If I would have responded accordingly, when I first started feeling bad, I wouldn't have all these extra medical bills that swamp my mailbox.

For whatever reason, I was meant to still be here and since then, I've made sure to listen to my body and intend to live my life to the fullest. I'm just glad to still be on this side of the dirt. I have a co-worker who just lost her husband to pneumonia. So, of course, I don't take anything for granted, as I use to do, more than I'd like to admit.

Take care of your body! Listen to your body! Be kind to your body and your body will be kind to you!


  1. I praise God that you are husband and sister in law have had pneumonia as well and turn into worser problems.. But they are still here and alive but still recovering...i hate to have read this here but glad that you are okay.. Love you cuz


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