
Showing posts from 2017

Listen and Obey the Signs of Your Temple!

It's been a while since my last post. What happened? Life!!! In life, we keep moving and ignore the signs our bodies give us that we need to slow down and take care of what we call our temple. Well, because I did't listen and take heed, this temple spent a few days in ICU at my local hospital and 2 months out of work. What??? Two months of no work! Not good for a single parent. What I thought was just a cold turned chest congestion, turned out to be a terrible asthma attack, pneumonia in the left lung, and respiratory failure. My chest felt extremely congested, which can cause an asthmatic to have breathing problems. Mind you, I've been dealing with this congestion off and on for about 4 months straight. It had gotten so bad that I had to focus just to talk because every few words I would say would literally take my breath away. I would say a few words then take break before speaking more. During the four months of my dealing with this sickness my way, I did go to an im

Want to be a Freedom-Preneur?

Of course, we all know what an entrepreneur is. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, an entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. What is a Freedom-Preneur? Freedom+Entrepreneur= Freedom-Preneur. A Freedom-Preneur is an entrepreneur that enjoys a better way of living and earning a living. An Freedom-Preneur do what they love. What they do to earn a living is their passion. Whatever  you do to earn a living, is it your passion? Are you happy and enjoying life as you earn a living? For those who are currenlty entrepreneurs, Freedom-Preneur can teach you how to take your current business to new level. For those who are not entrepreneurs but looking to start a business, the Freedom-Preneur Academy provides training on how to become an Freedom-Preneur. Unlike many sources that claims to teach you how to start a business, if you don't currently have a business,the Freedom-Preneur Academy teaches how to focus on your passion a